Wednesday, February 12, 2025

2025 Annual Meeting held

On Sunday, when much of the country was focused on the actions of Eagles in Philadelphia and other circles were interested in Superb Owls, more than 40 members of the Bird Club gathered at the Broomfield Library to learn some amazing facts about Cooper’s Hawks from Boulder ornithologist Ted Floyd.

While Ted’s excellent presentation was the main event of the annual membership meeting, highlights also included the ratification of officers and board members for 2025-2026. The two-hour meeting gave members a chance to mingle and enjoy refreshments, and a few walked away with some great door prizes.

Newly-elected president Christine Kindl announced that our club now boasts over 100 members, a goal that was established by past president Ellie McKinley when the club was founded in 2016.

“Our members have a wide range of interests, from getting outdoors to see birds in the wild to learning more about the species that live in Colorado or visit on their annual migrations,” Christine said.

“Our board works hard to organize activities supporting those interests, and to educate the public about Broomfield’s wild birds and their habitats.”

The club’s new slate of officers is posted on the club website, along with dates for upcoming activities, including bird walks.


Past Broomfield Bird Club presidents Ellie McKinley, a founding member (left), and Cindy Card. Cindy was recognized for her leadership as president from 2019 to 2024 at the November member meeting.