Wednesday, February 12, 2025

2025 Annual Meeting held

On Sunday, when much of the country was focused on the actions of Eagles in Philadelphia and other circles were interested in Superb Owls, more than 40 members of the Bird Club gathered at the Broomfield Library to learn some amazing facts about Cooper’s Hawks from Boulder ornithologist Ted Floyd.

While Ted’s excellent presentation was the main event of the annual membership meeting, highlights also included the ratification of officers and board members for 2025-2026. The two-hour meeting gave members a chance to mingle and enjoy refreshments, and a few walked away with some great door prizes.

Newly-elected president Christine Kindl announced that our club now boasts over 100 members, a goal that was established by past president Ellie McKinley when the club was founded in 2016.

“Our members have a wide range of interests, from getting outdoors to see birds in the wild to learning more about the species that live in Colorado or visit on their annual migrations,” Christine said.

“Our board works hard to organize activities supporting those interests, and to educate the public about Broomfield’s wild birds and their habitats.”

The club’s new slate of officers is posted on the club website, along with dates for upcoming activities, including bird walks.


Past Broomfield Bird Club presidents Ellie McKinley, a founding member (left), and Cindy Card. Cindy was recognized for her leadership as president from 2019 to 2024 at the November member meeting.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Birding in Botswana

In August, I was fortunate enough to go on safari in Botswana, Africa. Although it was not a birding trip specifically, we all became birders by the end of the tour. Our guide was spectacular in his knowledge of birds and their calls. He was quite adept at spotting and identifying everything that flew.

We were primarily in the Okavango Delta which is an incredible wildlife area. The Okavango Delta lies in the north west of Botswana. Part of the Great East African Rift Valley system, the Okavango Delta is formed as the Okavango River flows into the Kalahari Desert from the Angolan highlands, creating a unique wetland, a huge oasis.

Pied kingfisher

Fish eagle

Malachite kingfisher

Great blue heron

Also in the delta we ran across Pel’s fishing owl, yellow-billed Stork and the saddle-billed stork. The owl is an owlet, his mother is close by but is camera shy.

Pel's fishing owl

Saddle-billed stork

Yellow-billed stork

Other iconic birds that we ran into were the lilac breasted roller, secretary bird, go-away grey bird, yellow-billed horn bill, white-throated bee-eater and the hoopoe. 

Lilac-breasted roller

Secretary bird

White-throated bee-eater


This was the trip of a lifetime, so unlike any other place I have visited. Our tour was all out in the bush and very secluded. We only saw one other tour group in our 10 days of safari. Sequestered in our rooms at night we could hear lions roar, elephants walk by and birds singing in the morning.

 On a last note, the wildlife was incredible as well and I am sneaking in a few pictures of the animals we saw.


Post and photos by member Marilyn Staehle.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Creating a bird-friendly yard

Broomfield’s first snowstorm blanketed the ground with snow last Saturday, but in a second floor meeting room in the Broomfield library all thoughts were on gardening. Our fall member meeting drew about 40 people, gathered to learn tips from Boulder-area naturalist Dave Sutherland on how to create bird-friendly yards and gardens. 

Dave’s backyard in Boulder is proof that xeriscape is not zero-scape, as Dave described the properties of putting together a yard that will not only attract area birds, but is beautiful and unique. He shared slides of a lush garden with a wide variety of plants and gorgeous color that provide diversity for birds and insects they prey on. “If you like birds, you’ve got to provide and protect insects,” said Dave. “Provide food, and they will come.”

A habitat garden doesn’t require lots of acreage, Dave pointed out. You, too, can create a garden oasis that is low maintenance, unique and beautiful, just as he’s done in his own suburban garden. The advantage of native plants is that they are quite comfortable in Colorado’s soil. They require very little water and they thrive in low-nutrient soil. Once established, their root systems are strong and deep.

With heads filled with gardening plans, the meeting concluded with member Carl Muehlemeyer’s presentation of his stunning bird photography set to music. 

If you missed the presentation, or would like to learn more, check out Dave’s website at It offers plant listings, how-to’s and information about in-person programs that Dave conducts right in his own garden.

Dave Sutherland conducts native gardening workshop
at his Boulder home last summer.

Post and photos by Karen Clark

Friday, November 1, 2024

Birding by ear

It was a chill, foggy morning, the sort that tempts you to curl up with a hot cup of tea and a good book. But here we were, not long after dawn, on a bird walk at Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat in Boulder County.

The misty air made birding a challenge. Even up close, the view was hazy. Colors were muted. Binoculars fogged. Fingertips tingled with cold.

Instead of speeding up to keep warm, walk leader Peter Ruprecht urged us to slow down and listen. We started birding “ears first.”

And with that, the landscape changed. A raucous chorus announced the presence of red-winged blackbirds hidden deep in the cattails. The rattle of a belted kingfisher drew our eyes to a stubby silhouette hunting from a perch over the water.

Quacking mallards caught our attention, and we saw wigeons paddling silently among them near the shore. Two great blue herons appeared out of the mist, croaking as they glided across the pond.

As daylight strengthened, we continued to listen. Blue jays squawked and screamed in the cottonwoods. House finches chirped as they flew overhead. American goldfinches twittered in a patch of thistles.

The “chip, chip” call of a sparrow brought us to a halt, and Peter shared tips for identifying the three species we spotted: white-crowned, Lincoln’s, and song sparrows. For a few minutes, they shared a small grove with a noisy flock of black-capped chickadees and a tiny marsh wren.

Walden (and the neighboring Sawhill Ponds) was once a gravel mining operation. The land has been thoughtfully reclaimed, and its numerous ponds and wetlands now are home to hundreds of bird and animal species. Broad swaths of native plants – food for birds and pollinators – are being installed along several of the well-marked trails.

It’s a place worth visiting at every season.

This morning’s walk yielded few surprises, but we all learned an important lesson: When it looks like there’s not much to see, let your ears take the lead. Sometimes, there’s more to the natural world than meets the eye.

Post and photos by Christine Kindl

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mindful Birding: A new way to experience the natural world

High in a cottonwood tree, a broad-tailed hummingbird plucked at a spiderweb, stealing the spider’s captured prey for its own midday meal.

On a typical birding walk, I’d have added the hummingbird to my eBird checklist and moved on. But on this day, I was practicing Mindful Birding – sitting still, slowing down, and using all my senses to experience this singular moment fully, without letting my mind scurry ahead to what other birds might be waiting for me down the trail.

I was introduced to Mindful Birding at a daylong workshop led by professor and author Barbara Patterson and hosted by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies at Barr Lake State Park. As we all listened and learned, I realized that mindfulness – defined as “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally” – is a natural complement to birding.

Immersing yourself in nature has proven health benefits, too. Scientific studies have shown that practicing mindfulness, especially outdoors, can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and help to ease anxiety and depression. (The chance to see birds is a bonus!)

Here’s one simple mindfulness exercise, the “sit spot,” to add to your birding routine:

1.      Identify a place where you’re likely to see birds. This can be a favorite spot in the woods or beside a pond, a bench on your regular walking route, or even a comfy chair where you can watch your backyard bird feeder.

2.      As often as possible (once a day is ideal), sit in that spot for at least 15 minutes and simply observe the natural world around you. Engage all your senses – look at what’s happening, listen for birdsong, smell the air, feel the breeze on your face. Let your body relax. If your mind wanders, gently return your thoughts to the scene in front of you.

3.      Some people find that journaling or sketching helps them “stay in the moment.” Others prefer to sit quietly. Do what feels right to you.

4.      As time goes on, notice how your chosen spot has changed with the seasons – and how familiar even its tiniest details have become. Notice, too, how this special place has become a refuge – a place where nature helps you relax, recharge, and refresh yourself.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m still excited to explore new birding hotspots. I enjoy learning from my fellow birders and puzzling out bird IDs together. It’s always a thrill to add a new species of bird to my life list.

But Mindful Birding is another way to enjoy wild birds and their habitats – one with the potential to benefit mental and physical health. As summer turns to fall, I will try to be more aware, less hurried, and more mindful of the beautiful world around me.

NOTE: Broomfield Bird club will offer a Mindful Birding outing at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024. See our list of upcoming bird walks for details and registration.

Post by Christine Kindl

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

My First Birding Festival

If you've ever given any thought to experiencing a birding festival, a great one to start with is just right down the road.

Last month, I attended the Pikes Peak Birding and Nature Festival, an annual event in Colorado Springs. Over a four-day period, the festival offers over 60 field trips, and more than a dozen nature seminars and workshops. All for an unbelievably fair registration fee. I left on a Wednesday afternoon, driving to the Springs where I met up with my niece. We had dinner together that night, then she was off on a trip of her own, so she graciously invited me to use her house as my home base.

Thursday morning, I was up early and grabbed a sandwich from the fridge that I'd made the night before, my water bottle, some fruit and put it in my backpack, along with binoculars and sunscreen, and grabbed my camera.

My first field trip for the day was an urban walk, meeting up at a shopping center parking lot. From there, we followed a river trail for about four miles. Our group of 15 included locals from the Springs, a couple from Texas, and a woman from Florida. Throughout the weekend, I met a number of other birders from out-of-state and was surprised at how far some had traveled. It's understandable, though, because the area is a big draw for birders.

The Pikes Peak region offers a variety of habitats including short-grass prairie, forested foothills and deep canyons, and riparian forests. And this is peak migration season! During the course of the festival, about half of Colorado's population of over 500 birds will be spotted and identified. There are a lot of options for walks, ranging from sites on the eastern prairie to mountain regions. I opted for activities closer to the home base. On our walk that morning, our group collectively spotted 49 species, which included a couple of new 'lifers' for me.

Northern Waterthrush -- a life bird for me!

Each day, my schedule was much the same, rising early for a bird walk, and then attending a seminar in the afternoon. I went to a workshop on bird photography that was quite helpful. Another was a nature journaling workshop that I really enjoyed. While I still use eBird to keep a record of my birding lists, lately I've been journaling my findings in a notebook, and I find it to be a nice creative outlet.

Spotted Towhee -- always a favorite

Lesser Goldfinch

My favorite day was on Friday, when I attended a walk at Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site. We birded the grounds for a couple of hours, then afterward went on a tour of one of the ranch houses. It was constructed in 1905, by the founder of Colorado Springs. The family member who lived there was an ornithologist, which was of interest to the group for obvious reasons, but we also enjoyed 'visiting' that time period. The house was just beautiful.

Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site

Indian Paintbrush

The second day was the longest, as I filled it with a couple of walks and a workshop. I was glad for a break on Day 3, and after a morning bird walk I took the afternoon to partake of some of my favorite things. I found a wonderful used bookstore in downtown C.S., and a coffee shop located in a former elementary school that is being repurposed for businesses. The neighborhood probably dates to the 50s, I would say, and it was such a great vibe, I went back the next day for breakfast. 

All in all, going to the festival was a great experience. I enjoyed the workshops and getting to know like-minded individuals who are just a little bit crazy about birds. If I were to do one again, I would probably limit the number of activities each day. One walk a day is about as much as I could handle, followed by a workshop or seminar. Colorado Springs is a great town to explore, so it's nice to allow a little more time for that, too. 

Northern Flicker

A social gathering was held on Saturday night, with food and drink all included in the festival fee. There were some cool door prizes! Overall, this festival is a steal. Even with lodging added on, which can be found fairly reasonably in the Springs area, it is budget friendly and there are a wide variety of activities with experienced birding leaders. 

Post and photos by Karen Clark

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Out and About

Warblers, hummingbirds and other spring migrants are making an appearance in Broomfield this month -- and the Bird Club is getting out and about as well.

Our "community event season" opened April 20 with an Earth Day celebration at Broomfield Library that, despite a late spring snowfall, drew more than 200 visitors.

Presentation coordinator Susan Nagle greets visitors at Earth Day celebration.

On May 3, the club helped Broomfield mark its second Migratory Bird Day with another well-attended gathering, this time at the community center adjoining Brunner Reservoir. A flock of 12 American white pelicans circled the water, giving club members an opportunity to talk with visitors about the majestic birds.

Events like these allow Bird Club members to meet the public, answer questions about wild birds, and share our enthusiasm for birding. Some folks who visit our table become club members; others go home knowing a little more about the birds they've seen in Broomfield's open spaces or their own backyards.

And we're in good company, setting up alongside nature-focused groups such as Open Space & Trails, Broomfield Open Space Action Network, Nature's Educators, Colorado Master Gardeners, the Butterfly Pavilion, and many more.

So come join us! Upcoming community events include:

  • Open House at Metzger Farm, 9 a.m.- noon May 25.
  • Nature Festival at Metzger Farm, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Aug. 17.
  • Lafayette Migratory Bird Day, 1-3 p.m. Sept 15
  • Broomfield Days, 9 a.m.-5p.m. Sept. 21.
Check the "events" tab on this website for details.

And don't forget our Membership Picnic from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 8, at Brunner Farmhouse. Members and prospective members are invited; bring a camp chair and a bag lunch. (The club will supply drinks and snacks.) After a short business meeting, we'll learn about raptor conservation and the ancient sport of falconry from the president of the Colorado Hawking Club.

See you soon!